Your Trusted Destination of Fitwell Health Clinic Solutions

Why Choose Fitwell Health Clinic?

Established by Dr. Harpreet Rathour in 2019, Fitwell Health Clinic has a robust presence across the healthcare ecosystem. From routine wellness & preventive health care to innovative life-saving treatments and diagnostic services, Fitwell Health Clinic has touched more than one branchs.

Your Health Is Our First Priority

01.Health Promotion

Health promotion, defined as empowering individuals to improve their health, has a history dating back to the 1986 International Conference on Health Promotion in Ottawa.
This event marked the beginning of a global movement to achieve 'Health For All' by the year 2000 and beyond. The Ottawa Charter outlined key strategies: advocating for health, enabling health equity, and mediating through collaboration.
Subsequent WHO Global Health Promotion Conferences, including the 9th in Shanghai in 2016, have furthered these principles, emphasizing the connection between health promotion and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant, child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity. Healthy children learn better. People with adequate nutrition are more.Malnutrition, in every form, presents significant threats to human health. Today the world faces a double burden of malnutrition that includes both undernutrition and overweight, especially in low- and middle-income countries. There are multiple forms of malnutrition, including undernutrition (wasting or stunting), inadequate vitamins or minerals, overweight, obesity, and resulting diet-related noncommunicable diseases.


All around the world, acutely ill and injured people seek care every day.  Frontline providers manage children and adults with medical, surgical and obstetric emergencies, including injuries and infections, heart attacks and strokes, asthma and acute complications of pregnancy.  Prioritising an integrated approach to early recognition and resuscitation reduces the impact of all of these. WHO's Emergency, Trauma and Acute Care programme is dedicated to strengthening the emergency care systems that serve as the first point of contact with the health system for so much of the world, and to supporting the development of quality, timely emergency care accessible to all. Care programme is dedicated to strengthening the emergency care systems that serve as the first point of contact with the health system for so much of the world, and to supporting the development of quality, timely emergency care accessible to all. Care programme is dedicated to strengthen.

04.Nursing care

Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. It includes the promotion of health, the prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Nurses play a critical role in health care and are often the unsung heroes in health care facilities and emergency response.They are often the first to detect health emergencies and work on the front lines of disease prevention and the delivery of primary health care, including promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.In many countries, nurses make up half of all health care professionals and have a vital role in how health actions are organized and applied, both at the front-line and managerial levels.  They are often the first and sometimes only health professional a patient will see and the quality of their initial assessment and subsequent care is vital to strong health outcomes.

Medical equipment & devices

Access at-home medical equipment to make elders’ lives easier and safer. Cost-effective devices for on-time medical alerts. Choose from digital thermometers, oxygen cylinders, BP instruments, CPAP & more

You want quality connections and excellent resources.There’s room for you under our umbrella.

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The International Nanny Association is committed to serving a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community where all in our industry feel respected. We want to make sure that no matter what an individual’s background they are seen and appreciated regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, education, or any other individual orientation.

We acknowledge that a long and ongoing history of systemic racism and unconscious biases have negatively impacted the nanny industry. We want to be proactive in recognizing the issues that BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) nannies, NCS’s, other childcare providers, and business owners have experienced.  We further acknowledge some of the disparities that create problems in the industry consequently contribute to income gaps, stereotypes and unsuitable work conditions for some nannies. 

Expert Babysitter Services at Fitwell Health Clinic

Baby nurses or often called babysitters are people who have the duty to care for and provide the baby’s needs such as accompanying the baby, feeding, making complementary foods, sterilizing milk bottles, bathing, changing diapers and other things related to babies. Babies are children aged 0 – 2 years. Taking care of a baby can be said to be easy but not really, because basically babies can only cry when they want something. Therefore, a babysitter is required to be given training to be responsive in handling babies. It is required to have basic knowledge of the symptoms of common diseases commonly suffered by babies and how to prevent them early and how to handle them.


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Why Nanny Services Are Great for Kids Aged 2-5

If you have children aged 2-5 years, then you should choose nanny services, because children in the toddler age range have different needs. Toddlers need different handling because at this age children can walk, jump, talk and imitate many things around them. A nanny plays an important role in the emotional, social and physical growth and development of his foster children because, most of his time will be spent with them. 

Our Doctors

we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive spectrum of healthcare services designed to cater to your diverse needs. From routine check-ups and preventive care to specialized treatments.

Dr.Harpreet Rathour

General Physician & Managing Director

Dr.Hardeep Kaur

General Physician & BAMS

Dr.R.K Patel MBBS

Member of MPAP (Govt of Punjab)

Our Staff Member

we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive spectrum of healthcare services designed to cater to your diverse needs. From routine check-ups and preventive care to specialized treatments.

Miss.Kanchan Kumari

Staff Nurse

Miss.Rajji Kaur

Staff Nurse

Mr.Davinder Kumar


Mr.sharandeep Singh


additional support

we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive spectrum of healthcare services designed to cater to your diverse needs. From routine check-ups and preventive care to specialized treatments.

Mr.Kishan Lal (M.L.T.)

Sai Laboratory

Mr.Charanjit Singh (Radiologist)

Guru Nanak Digital X-ray Centre

Mr.Manpreet Singh (DMLT)

Waheguru Diagnostic Laboratory

Mr.Sukhdev Singh (Bsc. M.L.T.)

Krishana Diagnostics Lab.









Our Gallery

we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive spectrum of healthcare services designed to cater to your diverse needs. From routine check-ups and preventive care to specialized treatments and surgeries,

Visit Our clinic & Academy

we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive spectrum of healthcare services designed to cater to your diverse needs. From routine check-ups and preventive care to specialized treatments and surgeries,

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